I met someone the other day who is in a very intriguing position in her life.
She was recently laid off. She has a successful 20-year career behind her. She can take some time before moving onto the next thing. She's ready for a change and believes that now is the right time to discover what really lights her fire.
The only thing is she has no clue what that might be.
She's been working hard for years, intensely focused on the everyday challenges of her career. Who's had the time to think about fire, sparks, and true creative drive?
When we reach a pause in life and feel ready to create a new idea about how our career life could be, how do we uncover the passion?
There are many interesting people writing about this topic. Curt Rosengren, Passion Catalyst and blogger behind Occupational Adventure, has written and focused extensively on this. Check out his Occupational Adventure Guide, for example.
You may worry that the well of creative ideas and inspiration is dry, but I say be patient.
You do care about something, probably many things - trust me. You may have forgotten what they are, and you may not have a clue about how to connect them to making a living, but there are people, ideas, and/or activities that inspire you. And when you've spent some time reacquainting yourself with these things or engaging in new introductions, you will be able to think a lot more creatively.
But first, to find a career passion you need to let the analytic, problem-solving side of you take a little break. This is because passion is a feeling!
Also if you put a due date on finding your career passion, that sort of kills the mood.
So first you connect with the inspired feelings, then you invite your analytic side back in the room to help you make connections between the exciting feelings/visions/dreams and the opportunities in real life.
For many of us, our interests are not crashing cymbals but are more elusive whispers. It takes patience to notice them.
To begin, small acts of shaking up your routine can
lead to more connection with the more inspired, engaged part of yourself. Here are a few examples:
1. Notice what you care about, especially if you don't think you have time.
If you haven't thought about what you really like about your job and what you really care about in life since 1994, first plan plenty of time to find that headspace.
It's ideal if you can make a habit of noticing what you care about. This can be as basic as keeping a short bulleted list of what you like about your job on the fridge, or thinking about what you loved to do as a kid. You can keep a gratitude journal for a week every other month. You can meditate on the question for 60 seconds a day.
2. Get out of your head and into your body.
Break a sweat, let your mind wander while you do so, and notice where your mind goes. Or mellow out with a massage or other bodywork if that's more your speed.
3. Get out of town.
You need to take your vacation time. Don't be one of those people who "can't possibly" be away from the office for even a couple of days.
Leave town and stop thinking about your job. Get into nature, and if nature's not your thing, go to a museum. When your mind gets a break from being entirely consumed with your current job, it's free to do some wandering. Let it.
4. Create something.
It doesn't need to be good, and you don't have to show anyone. Paint, sculpt, play music, dance, write a play, decorate a room. This is more about leaving analysis behind for awhile.
5. Write.
Write for 10 minutes each day about anything.
6. Meet somebody new.
Connecting with new people can be inspiring. We learn new things when we're around new people. Don't stress about how you'll meet somebody new, simply be open to it.
Tapping into what you really care about is not a process that you force. You don't get to choose exactly when inspiration will come or in what form it will occur to you. This can be frustrating for those of us who have allowed ourselves 36 hours to come up with our New Path.
There may or may not be one thing that pops up as the certain "Aha! Now I know what my whole life has been preparing me for!"
But if you allow yourself to pursue career passion as a possibility, you'll run into something pretty good. And if you see something pretty good, go for it.
Posted by Heather Mundell