Last week, one of my clients mentioned that he’d been following the Career Hub blog. He said he really enjoys reading the diverse posts and perspectives. He then asked…where do you get your ideas? explaining that if he were a blogger, he thought he’d run out of ideas for things to write about.
Running out of ideas. I’ve felt that way many times, wondering if I’ll ever have another idea and then, voilà, there it is! In your quest for a new opportunity, do you ever think you’re running out of ideas? Or feel like you’re at a dead end? Or totally devoid of any fresh career wisdom? Here are a few ideas about running out of ideas:
1. Call time out. Sit with a blank piece of paper and a writing instrument. Don’t even think about writing something. Just be calm. Quiet. Still. Clear your mind of this, that and the other thing, seeking clarity, not more clutter and chaos. After 20 – 30 minutes, write down the one career related thing, thought or idea that seems to appear out of nowhere. What, if anything, does it suggest to you? If nothing comes to mind, no problem. It will in time.
2. Get outdoors, if you are able to do so, and enjoy the fresh air. Try to find a quiet spot, away from the crazy, hectic daily pace. Look around at nature’s beauty. From lakes and rivers to trees, flowers and sunshine, nature’s beauty is everywhere. What, if any, ideas do you glean from it?
3. Ask several people: what is the single best idea that someone ever told you about finding a new job? Maybe what they say will be just the thing to spur you on to the next great notion, or new business invention.
4. Listen. Whether it’s to the radio, tv, computer, your buddy, a neighbor, or children at play, simply listen. You may come up with a brilliant new idea.
5. Browse through a bookstore. From business to travel to self-help and career sections, grab a book that looks interesting to you. Read a page here, there. Any ideas come to mind? Or, if you prefer, browse the internet for areas of interest to you. Any ideas?
Better yet, if you have an idea that worked well for you when you stalled out in a job search, how about posting it here in comments? Now that would be a most appreciated idea!